Business Central: How is it a complete Manufacturing solution?

Assembly Management

Specify a list of sellable items, raw materials, subassemblies, and resources as an assembly bill of materials that make up a finished item or a kit. Use assembly orders to replenish assembly items. Capture customer requirements for the kit’s bill of materials directly from sales quotes, blanket orders, and order lines in the assembly-to-order processes.

Standard Cost Worksheet

Give company controllers a reliable and efficient way to maintain accurate inventory costs. Work with standard cost updates in Business Central in the same way you would in an Excel spreadsheet. Prepare for cost updates without changing data until you’re ready.

Production Bill of Materials

Create bills of materials and calculate their standard costs.

Basic Capacity Planning

Add capacities (work centers) to the manufacturing process. Set up routings for production orders and material requirements planning. View loads and the task list for the capacities.

Machine Centers

Add machine centers as capacities in the manufacturing process. Manage capacity for each machine or production resource on a detailed level for machine centers, and on a consolidated level for work centers. Use machine centers to store default information about manufacturing processes, such as setup times and default scrap percentages.

Version Management

Create versions of manufacturing bills of materials and routings.

Production Orders

Create production orders and post consumption and output. Calculate net requirements based on production orders. Use a manual supply planning tool as an alternative to automatic planning. Get visibility and tools to manually plan for demand from sales lines and to create supply orders.

Finite Loading

Manage finite loading of capacity-constraint resources. Account for capacity constraints for periods to avoid overloading work centers. Calculate capable to- promise (CTP).

Source: ©2020 Microsoft Corporation.

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